Healthy Care Full Body Tens Acupuncture Electric Therapy Massager Meridian Physiotherapy Massager Apparatus
Out put of 2 channels-A&B can be used to treat various parts of the body simultaneously.
You can choose any of the treatment modes Shoulder/waist joint button/foot)
The product is specially designed for lessening pain in muscles. The apparatus can produce curative effect particularly to the patients suffering from the pain in neck, back, loin and various joints. The exclusively dsigned program consists of different waves through altemative cpmposition, giving a feeling of manual massage by hand. The soft and gentle pulse can improve the blood circulation and promote main and collateral channels unblocked and give a special effect on releasing fatigue. Use kw305 pulse massager for: Stiffness of shoulders. Paralysisof peripheral nerves. Recovery of fatigue. Improves blood circulation neuralgia. Gradual release of muscular pain
1. The pads need to be sticked on skin, then the device could work. If not, the device will turn off in 2-3 seconds automatically, it is not quality problem.
2. Remember that the two pieces of the electrode are not electrically connected, so as to avoid short circuit after mutual adhesion.
3. Due to the different skin sensitivity of various parts of the human body, the feeling and intensity of the two patches may vary;
4. Electrode patch The two electrodes should not be placed too close together. The two electrodes should normally be placed on the same side of the body (the front and back of the chest should not be used).
Technical data:
1. Voltage: DC 3V
2. Rated working time: 30mins
3.Package Includes:
USB Cable*1
Power Adapter
English User Manual*1
Connecting cable*2 (2-way and 4-way)
Electrode pads*16( the new pads often can be used for about 50 times)
Giovanna Gonçalves –
Very good, as described.
Luana Alves –
Ótima aquisição. Excelente aparelho. Funcionou tudo corretamente!!!! Pode comprar!!!! Foi postado no dia 03/10 e chegou hoje 13/10 , estou encantada com a rapidez!!!! Nota 1000 Gratidão!
Роман Михайлов –
Instant delivery, three days to Kazan. the device works, no damage.
Иван Шевченко –
The goods arrived, works, the equipment is normal,.
Полина Плотниковa –
The goods came. It’s packed well.
Kathy Nguyen –
everything arrived right, well packaged, attentive store. I already used it as soon as it arrived.
Edward Collins –
Oh ~~ well ~~ ^^ cool harness. ARM for flats Western world. Well Busin. No African living without. Okey. ~~~ dual step. Now the 4th step function, harness. Today customized now while writing. Hot ~~~
Otávio Morais –
Fast shipping, great massager, recommend.
Артём Наумов –
Хорошая вещь миостимулятор, предыдущий аппарат проработал года 2 потом начал глючить, благо стоит недорого. Липучки свежие, клеют хорошо а в них залог хорошей проводимости а значит правильной работы. Доставка мухой за 3 дня
Juraci Gonçalves –
Delivery before time, product meets the promised.
Людмила Ждановa –
Haven’t tried yet
Аида Кузнецовa –
быстрая доставка этот товар я уже покупаю для друзей уже 5 раз. все довольны.
Полина Ильинa –
阿部 美優 –
The device is very cool. Good +